2024 3rd International Conference on
Electronic Business Management and Education Engineering
Lisbon, Portugal
December 14-15, 2024
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. All accepted papers of EBMEE conference will be published by FAP "WOP in Economics and Management" ISSN: 2515-2912, and all papers will be submitted to CNKI Scholar, Crossref, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ResearchGate, Scilit and CPCI for indexing.

WOP in Economics and Management offers a flexible, fast and efficient publication service to conference organizers specializing in economics and management. It provides an open-access record of their events and a wide dissemination of the conference proceedings.
WOP in Economics and Management
ISSN: 2515-2912
Web of Proceedings is an open access platform fully devoted to scientific conferences. It provides a safe long-term record of events, and offers effective solutions for the publishing, dissemination and indexation of conference papers. It gives maximum exposure to proceedings in order to enhance the visibility and to increase the citations of the articles. Web of Proceedings is part of Francis Academic Press, a publisher that is owned by learned societies and run by expert and experienced publishing professionals. 
Paper Publication